Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I think I just had a date.

Let me go back: I hope I just had a date.

Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself. I feel like you need some background.

A couple of months ago, a friend of mine asked me to tutor one of her offspring. I agreed. At the end of the conversation, she slid in the following, "oh friend needs you to tutor as well."

After some serious negotiations and strong-arming, I agreed. Anyway, I start tutoring her offspring and her friend's offspring, without ever meeting the friend. This, for many reasons, has me a bit concerned. The friend calls me today to introduce herself. Herself turns out to be himself. Himself also has a seriously deep, ear soothing voice. Himself and I decide to meet, as I'm tutoring his offspring. We both have a few hours after work and choose a pretty popular steakhouse with a great happy hour to meet, and for me to review the tutoring plan.

I'm intrigued about the person behind the deep, soothing voice. I've already reconciled that he probably looks like a troll based on a lesson I learned back in high school: the sexier the voice over the phone, the more under-the-bridge-lurking troll like characteristics he will have.

Anywho, I get to the place a few minutes early and get a space for us to talk business. I look up and there is a dashingly handsome, absolutely charming man standing in front of me. As he doesn't look like Rumplestilskin, I ignore him.

He speaks. The voice mirrors the voice from the phone. I clench my jaw to keep it from dropping. I wish I had put on make-up.

Over the next hour, we have the most normal, delightful conversation. He did not try to corner me into a booth and kiss me. He did not compliment my mouth. He did not have an obvious aversion to vegetables. Instead we talk about normal people stuff: movies, football, the best part of a chicken wing (clearly, the fat piece, the flat side is too much work).

We sit and talk for over an hour, indulged in a piece of chocolate death cake and chilled.

Now, the reason I'm writing about this experience is because of one reason:

1) He said, "this has been a wonderful date."

That made me think, "Am I on a date?"

I'm going to say yes.

Evelyn Parkside


  1. well, is he single? I don't wanna poop the party here, but it could have been just an expression. But then again, as a man, I can say that men usually mean what they say.... i.e, since he said its a date, then I guess it probably is. It wasn't James Earl Jones was, tehehe

  2. I'm pretty sure he is single. And, as I'm a woman, I already know I preposess the gene to be slightly dillusional and to the ability to "read" signs in to things that may not actually be there.

    Having said that, I'm "proceeding with caution." It may be nothing. In fact, old, 2010 Evelyn would have said "this is nothing. You're tutoring the offspring" Old Evelyn would not even thought about the possibility of something." New, improved Evelyn is acknowledging the possibility.

    If nothing else, I am glad that I had a good dinner and conversation with a normal person. :)

  3. "...the sexier the voice over the phone, the more under-the-bridge-lurking troll like characteristics he will have."

    I guffawed at this! This is 99% true. I'm glad this guy was one of the 1%. I hope (fingers crossed) this ends well!

  4. ah Evelyn, you always put a smile on my face

  5. There are times when guys will have "meetings" scheduled with a date mentality in order to 1) lower the chances of being rejected and 2) lower your guard about the "date". I think he said it at the end so you knew what really went on, so that in your future correspondence, you could proceed accordingly.
