Friday, June 24, 2011

A Flashback Part II

 I agree to cook diner--complete with a cheesecake--at the suggestion of a very good friend, even after I've been blown off.  At this point, the reason I agree to cook the damn dinner, is to show to the good friend that the guy is an ass and I'm not being unreasonable.

Saturday morning, I get up, gather supplies  and bake a cheesecake with a rich, dark chocolate top glaze. I call the guy and leave a message that dinner will be ready about 6 and ask him to give me a call for directions.  I read the news and realize that there is a big fight tonight.  Now, I'm a bit irritated, because I'd much rather watch the fight, but instead I'm cooking for a guy who has already been rude. About noon, I decide that we should reschedule because I figure that he most likely wants to watch the fight as well.  I send him a text that reads "please call." 

At 5, still no phone call or text--either to ask for directions, cancel, confirm, or just call back.

I may have been born on a Sunday, but I wasn't born last Sunday.  I could already see the writing on the wall.  So, what I didn't do was cook.  Instead, I put on a swimsuit and hung out with a friend in her hot tub. 

By 8, still no phone call or text.

By 8:30, I put the guy in the DNA category and erased all prior text messages. 

I could not believe that I was being blown off again!  And, I was being blown off for a dinner that he requested with a dessert that he demanded.  I'm floored at this point.  I could  not believe that this guy could be so incredibly rude.

I never heard from him again.

Until last night, when I got a text from an unknown number which read, "Sooo, whatever happened between us?"

And, that, dear reader, brings you up to speed.

Evelyn Parkside

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